Parameter optimization for washing operations in livestock buildings to improve sanitary status and reduce water consumption

  • Period: 2020-01-13 2022-01-12


Porc Environnement


Additional information

Ce projet est financé par Mitacs (programme Acclération). Merci au partenaire : IRDA.

Project presentation

During the washing process in pig facilities, some parameters are not well-determined for different types of materials, such as temperature, distance, wash angle and speed. Resulting, consequently, in a longer washing time as well as in higher water consumption. Therefore, the objective of this project is to develop standard methods for washing operations in swine buildings in order to ensure proper sanitary conditions as well as minimize the water amount used. Prior to the experimental trial, it will be developed and validated an experimental washing station. This station will allow to do repeatable trials and reduce experimental errors. For the trials, three types of materials will be evaluated: concrete, plastic and metal. These materials will be washed adopting different parameters: water temperature; water pressure: wash speed; and distance. Three microbiological analyzes will be carried out: (1) total coliform analysis, (2) microbiological analysis of Escherichia coli and (3) visual analysis of the presence of biofilm. With this washing station, it will be possible to test and select the best combinations of parameters (temperature, pressure, speed and distance), allowing an optimal washing, i.e., a washing with a lower bacterial load on the surface of the materials, taking also into account a responsible water consumption.

